DanceYourSocksOff @Burke & Wills Fryerstown – Sat 16 Sep

UPDATE: Make-Shift won’t be providing the music tonight due to illness… dance on!

We’ve been invited back to play at this intimate and engaging happening:

DYSO Spring 2017

Dance Your Socks Off! is an unfacilitated free form dance jam with an eclectic selection of music in a dedicated dance space. A short playlist followed the improvisational band Make-Shift. If you are curious – have a listen:
$10 entry – Money collected will go to a local cause.

DanceYourSocksOff @Burke & Wills Fryerstown – Sat 27 May

Update: download zipped album recording here or see below for tracks
(many thanks to all involved)folder


  1. ohm (4:15)
  2. amp (10:25)
  3. coulomb (2:20)
  4. volt (12:45)
  5. joule (4:51)
  6. watt (7:14)
  7. farad (4:40)
  8. Nalderun (3:10)
  9. thanks (0:20)

Original Post:


A dancing room only gig! We’ll be your soundtrack!

UPDATE: DYSO Facebook Page Event

Dance Your Socks Off! goes LIVE!

There will be a short playlist followed the fabulous impro band Make-Shift.
If you are curious – have a listen.
Come with the intention to dance or move to whatever comes!
$10 entry. Money collected will go to a local cause.
Stay tuned!

Original Post:
From the organiser:

Greetings Earth Beings! Yes it is time to dance again. And for everyone who has joined this group and never come along, THIS IS YOUR TIME! Come with an open heart and a willingness to dance, no matter what. See you on the dance floor! 

Dress for comfort. $10 at the door. Chai afterwards, as per usual!